김수정 Kim S.J 1 페이지

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Kim SuJeong

김수정 Kim S.J 목록


The ideal world in the forest (Go to the forest of Nietzsche)


From the beginning, human beings have existed in a form where people with diverse selves to form a community. The main character of each life is oneself, but as a member of the community, it is difficult for each individual to become a main character or a man in power. There are such persons who obviously play central roles, and the society is organized and operated based on him/her and most people aspire to be in the center. And while investing a lot of time and effort to accomplish this position, we ignore what we really need to pursue. The absence of an opportunity to look at oneself leads to the disappearance of a complete figure of oneself. The artist, Sujeong Kim looks back whether if she is seeking only power and authority from the outside world or not through her works.


The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche classifies humans as the last men and the supermen (Übermensch). The former is just those who are satisfied with the life given to them, and the latter is those who try to live a life that pursues the better without resting on the reality. As harmoniousness is important in all things, when two forms of life coexist, the ideal world is established. The artist, who wants to think about ways to live a better life, tried to find out what is the ideal world, and this concept leads to her recent paintings. The ordinary person, who does not have the power, has the desire to get it, but she questioned whether such a life is the ideal for her. And she focuses on the inside of mind and searches the image in the painting little by little.

The forest is an ordinary natural space, but it comes as a medium to evoke the ideal world that has been latent for her. The forest is like a set of communities of people and gives a feeling of representing our world. But if there is a big difference between our lives and forests, it would be the absence of the protagonist. In a forest that grows wild by itself and harmoniously with the surrounding creatures, there is no conflict and struggle for power, and anyone can become a subject or an object. It resembles the ideal world where she dreams.


When expressing the enlightenment obtained from the ecology of nature, she tries to minimize her control in the work. In keeping with the flow of consciousness, she concentrates on the movement of the hands and makes unconstrained shapes composed of different figures and colors. Brilliant colors and unstructured brush strokes bring more untamed primitive moods and come closer than images imbued with thorough calculations. In this way, she conveys her thoughts and emotions to us through the way of spreading the energy of each creature rather than the detailed forms in the painting. The encounter with the inner world by looking at the hidden emotions along with the time of self-reflection can be strange and confusing. Through her paintings, I hope that it would lead to think about what is missing in our life and what is important for a better life, and hope that we can take a step closer to individual's ideals. (Written by curator Jung Yoon Kim)